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This time we actually come under scrutiny as we head to the First Quality Control (QCI.) location.
At the first sight, this place might lack the glassmaking craft’s romantic feel, being governed by the controller’s keen eye. In fact, it can’t be otherwise, as sentiment and compromise don’t go hand-in-hand with regard to the quality required for Moser products.
Same as everywhere in the production, human hands take the leading role here. Slowly but surely, the semi-finished products blown at the glass workshop come through the exit of the cooling furnace. Now is the decisive moment – are they going to continue to other work areas in the glassworks to become one of the unique Moser pieces, or do they go back through recycling process into the melting pot?
There are several determining factors. Controllers focus on all possible defects. Firstly, they search for bubbles, and also stones, i.e. lumps of glassmaking sand that failed to melt in the glass making process. Last but not least, the product has to follow all the parameters given on the drawing documentation. Does it sway, does it stand straight? All these questions are
asked as the controller spins each and every piece (with the rotating shapes) on the turntable.
A simple: YES or NO provides us with the decision. Hundreds up to thousands of Moser crystal pieces have gone through the hands of quality controllers over the years and there’s already quite a lot of work in them at this stage. However, if they don’t pass, it’s the end for them – they go to containers sorted by colour and then back to the beginning, to the master batch makers kingdom.
Moser glass is simply a living material and therefore, this phase is inevitably its integral part. It’s a cycle, where at the end, the customer gets the best that Moser golden hands, hearts and emotions can make.