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Drinking from Moser is an experience, says photographer Lukáš Kimlička

He bought his first piece bearing the signature of the legendary Karlovy Vary glassworks a few years ago. Since then, he has been rewarding himself with crystal pieces from Moser on a regular basis. “Sometimes I tell myself that I have to calm down a bit, otherwise I'll have a glass gallery at home,” laughs photographer Lukáš Kimlička and begins to tell what he enjoys so much about glass.

Just open Lukáš's Instagram profile and it's immediately clear that this Bratislava native has a passion for art. Fashion is interspersed with glimpses of his newly renovated apartment, where Czechoslovak glass, including Moser products, has its place. “First I bought a small bottle at a second-hand shop. A young boy was selling it at an auction, and I won because I was the only one who didn't negotiate the price,” Lukáš recalls. But not because he had money to spare at the time – he didn't negotiate because he was well aware that a hand-made piece has its price.


Lukáš himself had been a fashion designer for a long time and had experienced first-hand how much work can go into a product. “How many times have I had to explain why my clothes cost so much. I also know that behind one piece of glass, there are often hours of work, and the price corresponds to that. Moreover, handmade crystal pieces are a great investment. They have a real value that doesn't fade with time.”


The worlds of glassmaking and fashion have also merged several times under Lukáš's hands. He often used crystal elements in his designs. “I mainly designed formal or wedding dresses and I loved working with glass components. I like things to sparkle and shine, I'm a bit of a magpie,” he laughs. That's why today, glittering glass objects are an integral part of his home – apart from the aforementioned “auctioned” Moser bottle, you can also find there a set of whisky glasses from the Cubism collection designed by Rony Plesl, water glasses by Bruno Morbelli, a carafe from the Bonbon collection by Lukáš Jabůrek, or a large Wish box vase. This is the one that the successful photographer is most proud of. “This is the first really big thing I bought from Moser. When I put flowers in it, the whole apartment blooms. I also love the way the glass refracts and reflects light, it's a tremendous spectacle.”


Crystal works are no dust traps for him, as he actually uses all of them. Moser's glasses were an integral part of his festive table at Christmas, and he also regularly uses them to serve drinks to his visitors. “Drinking from a beautiful glass is an experience, you can perfectly underline the moment and complete the atmosphere,” he explains.


Apart from taking photos, Lukáš Kimlička is also a stylist, turning into a make-up artist now and then, and while designing his own home he became an interior designer for a while. Would he like to go in this direction as well? “I never say never. It's definitely not an easy job, but I was completely absorbed by it, and the reactions of those around me convince me that I was probably doing well. I'll be done soon though and I already know I'll miss interior designing and finding vintage pieces at various antique stores. Who knows, maybe I'll make a deal with someone...” And there's one more thing this talented cutie would love to try. “Design my own glass. I'd love to do that!”


Lukáš Kimlička

Photographer, fashion designer, make-up artist. Lukáš is a man of many faces and applies his talents across several disciplines. He graduated from the secondary school of clothing in Trenčín, later headed to the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava and has already presented his collections at fashion shows around the world. He is one of the most sought-after people in both Slovak and the international fashion scene.

Photos by: Lukáš Kimlička and Katarína Hoffmann Šlesarová

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