Designblok 2024
Moser at Designblok
The "Born of Sand" installation presents sand as the basic ingredient for glass production but also as a symbol of playfulness and freedom. It reacts to this year’s Designblok theme of Youth. Courage and the desire to create are an inherent part of it. The youthful soul doesn’t shy away from experimenting and playing, it has its own dreams, unbound by conventions, and isn’t afraid to discover. The Moser “sandbox” is a poetic expression of the conviction that culture is born from play and creativity.
The "Born of Sand" installation received the highest award
The installation “Born of Sand” impressed the international jury of Designblok 2024 so much that they awarded it the highest possible award - the Grand Prix prize.
“A great story, fantastic presentations and products, and a high-level sequel,” explained an international jury made up of independent foreign journalists, designers, curators and other experts from the world of design and architecture, its decision.
“I am thrilled with the award. The international jury appreciated not only the installation or the product itself but also the fulfilment of the vision that we, as Moser, presented and continue to develop. The fact that the two-year work of the entire team of the Moser glassworks receives an award from the world’s leading experts in the field of design is a tremendous honour and great feedback,” says designer and creative director Jan Plecháč.
The Drop vase
A Magical Moment Captured in Crystal
The hand-blown Drop vase was inspired by a water droplet, reflecting its fragile beauty. It’s a masterpiece by our Moser glassmakers. Their skill and excellent mastery of difficult glassmaking techniques distinguish these crystal gems. Each piece is unique, brought to perfection with the challenging facet cut. Thanks to the well-considered design and precise execution, light permeates through each vase like a real drop of water, creating impactful effects. The clear crystal Drop carries a certain gentleness and the crispness of morning dew, while the beryl vase layered with smoke evokes a raindrop falling through silky darkness.