Rococo and modern styles combined? Why ever not? When designing the Mozart drinking collection, designer Otto Tauschek drew inspiration from the great music composer, however, choosing to significantly simplify the period décor. Thus a timeless drinking collection was born, which, right from the moment it was placed on the market in the 1930s, gained many an admirer. Today it remains one of the most popular sets of cut crystal.
From Karlsbad to the whole world
The Mozart collection drew attention with its non-traditional merging of styles and it has gradually gained admirers all over the world. A few owners of the collection include the Iranian Shah Mohamed Reza Pahlavi, the Moroccan sultan Muhammad V, the maharajah of Hyderabad, and the Egyptian king Fuad.
A spinet-like stem
The design of the glass may seem simple, however, its production requires the maximum focus from Moser’s glass artists. The hand-blown challis is adorned with a gently cut pearl edge, and a precise cut shapes the stem until it reminds its user of a piano or spinet from the era of this celebrated composer.
Apart from graphic arts and painting, the author of the collection, Otto Tauschek, also dedicated his time to designing porcelain and decorative glass pieces. He began working at the Moser glassworks in 1911 and created the Mozart drinkware in 1936. The fact that he created porcelain pieces for the famous brand Rosenthal just goes to further confirm his artistic abilities.
Hand-blown from environmentally friendly lead-free crystal
Hand cut and polished to a high gloss