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I learned from the greatest masters, says glassworker Zdeněk Drobný

When he was young, he used to play with shards of glass from the dump; now he ranks among one of the best glassblowers at Moser. Not that he would never say so about himself. “Every new form requires patience and careful testing,” says Zdeněk Drobný, explaining why his craft has never ceased to fascinate him and why his interest in glassblowing will continue even after his retirement.



Second glass furnace was solemnly started


This year's Karlovy Vary International Film Festival is happening and we will be there


Drinking from Moser is an experience, says photographer Lukáš Kimlička


Capturing the elegance of Turkmenian horses

Tense, beautifully toned muscles. Sense of freedom and strength in every move. Glossy mane flowing through the wind. Horses racing through magnificent landscapes are a magnet for the eyes. We imprinted their silhouettes on seven sets of whiskey glasses that found their home in Turkmenistan – in the local presidential family.




9 Reasons to Gift Glass


Medkheneh Diffuser by Aljoud Lootah


Getting glass in shape. How does Moser form its crystal?

Beech and pear, two deciduous trees that are inseparable from Czech nature. They are also well suited for the production of glass moulds. Why are the properties of these types of wood so ideal for glassmaking? And what other materials are moulds made of? We looked closely at the work of form makers, who lay the foundations of every crystal object.


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