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Moser Collections

  • Fungi

    Soul of the Forest


    The collection of Fungi vases is adorned by a cut structure of mushroom spores. Our masters make it by hand, so every piece is unique.

    2 products in collection At the e-shop from: 4,048.00 $

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  • Gema

    A crystal gem based on the harmony of opposites


    The collection of cut glass vases, Gema, stands out with its original shape and refined coloring that will instantly freshen up your interior.

    2 products in collection At the e-shop from: 810.00 $

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  • Geo

    A celebration of the crystal geometry


    In the 1950s, the Moser glassworks added a great talent to its roster of designers when it began its collaboration with Adolf Matura, a big name in Czech glassworking. This renowned glass designer created collections for international exhibitions. His timeless, handcrafted works delight lovers of glass design to this day.

    5 products in collection At the e-shop from: 48.00 $

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  • Harmonic

    Between the dawn and twilight


    Upon designing this vase collection, the Art Director of Moser, Jan Plecháč, drew inspiration from the passage of night and day.

    4 products in collection At the e-shop from: 4,619.00 $

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  • Heart

    An affair of the heart


    It is rare to have your heart in your hand. To have a crystal heart from Moser in your hand is not just rare, but stylish. And stylishly cut.

    4 products in collection At the e-shop from: 1,000.00 $

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  • Jewel

    A Jewel on your table


    The ring of precious metal joins the elegant stem to the wide goblet, whose shape flawlessly distinguishes the quality of the beverage.

    11 products in collection At the e-shop from: 129.00 $

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  • Lady Hamilton

    Inspired by the beauty of Emma Hamilton

    Lady Hamilton

    When Moser designers created the Lady Hamilton drinkware collection, they gave it not only unusual beauty, but also the ability to speed up the heartbeat and slow down time.

    23 products in collection At the e-shop from: 100.00 $

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  • Maharani

    A crystal confession of love for the maharaja’s wife


    The exotic name comes from its first owner. The drinkware set with the floral and drapery décor was commissioned by the Maharaja of Travancore for his wife, whose title was “maharani”. This collection met an enthusiastic response shortly after its introduction.

    17 products in collection At the e-shop from: 219.00 $

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  • Maharani 2023 edition

    New and Lightweight Maharani Collection

    Maharani 2023 edition

    This modernized version of the Maharani collection is free of gold lines and details, but it still retains the precise handmade craftsmanship, the highest quality lead-free crystal and the beautiful lace motif of the engraving.

    9 products in collection At the e-shop from: 329.00 $

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  • Montagne

    Vases like sculptures carved from crystal


    The name of the vase derives from the French word “montagne” (mountain), which is reflected in the resulting cut. The inspiration of mountain peaks at sunrise and sunset also found expression in the choice of colours.

    3 products in collection At the e-shop from: 810.00 $

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  • Mozart

    Elegance on a rococo stem


    When designer Otto Tauschek created the Mozart collection nearly 100 years ago, he had no idea the reaction it would cause. His modern approach to the rococo-style of decoration drew the interest of cut crystal lovers from all over the world.

    9 products in collection At the e-shop from: 133.00 $

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  • Oeno

    Designed in cooperation with professional sommeliers


    Patrik Illo, a multi-talented glass designer, has used knowledge of the best sommeliers to create the exclusive Oeno collection.

    10 products in collection At the e-shop from: 62.00 $

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  • Optic

    Creates a network of lights and reflections


    The enchanting lightness of the Optic crystal collection was born in 2012 from the talent of the renowned glass artist Lukáš Jabůrek. Looking into the glasses of this collection, you can easily fall under the illusion that they’re formed by a delicate web of light threads and reflections.

    11 products in collection At the e-shop from: 62.00 $

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  • Paula

    A rose gem on a well-laid table


    The Paula collection was created over 100 years ago, however, it remains popular to this day. For instance, this collection is owned by the wife of Prince Charles

    20 products in collection At the e-shop from: 429.00 $

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  • Pear

    The courage to challenge the laws of physics


    Ordinary names often hide extraordinary things. This collection of handmade pear-shaped vases and bowls is a fine example of that. A robust base lends stability to the Pear, while an asymmetric tilt provides dynamism. A droplet-shaped core with a narrow neck softens the outwardly stern design. Combined with a bowl, this vase will become a dominating feature in any room.

    4 products in collection At the e-shop from: 810.00 $

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  • Pinea

    Soul of the Forest


    The Pinea vases by Jan Plecháč are a reflection of the forest. They take us back to natural structures and earthy tones, invoking a desire to be touched.

    2 products in collection At the e-shop from: 4,048.00 $

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  • Pineapple

    Geometry of nature


    Pineapple used to be the fruit of kings, symbol of the wealth and hospitality of the monarch on the ceremonial boards. However, the geometrically perfect structure of its surface has not lost any of its impact even today.

    2 products in collection At the e-shop from: 9,524.00 $

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  • Polygon

    Opposites attract


    The Polygon Collection is a pair of cut crystal vases. They differ in shape and size, yet perfectly complement one another.

    2 products in collection At the e-shop from: 7,381.00 $

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  • Pope

    The collection that influenced an entire generation


    Elegance and practicality brought the Pope collection immortal popularity. In 1923, Pope Pius XI became aware of the collection and it’s remained highly sought-after all the way from Ireland to Indonesia every since.

    19 products in collection At the e-shop from: 105.00 $

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  • Refresh

    Reflecting the rhythm of Latin dances


    This collection represents a “refresh” of the current approach to classic Moser designs, reflecting a new trend in colour combinations. Robust colourful bases as a part of the vase's shape are a distinctive feature of this collection.

    14 products in collection At the e-shop from: 5,000.00 $

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